These are the phases of the design process:

PHASE 1 – Initializing:

Prior to meeting with an architectural designer, the initial phase in designing your new home may include these options. This will allow you to better express your ideas about your design.


Keep a small note tablet with you to write down particular architectural styles which intrigued you or sparked an idea for style, space, or other particulars you would desire for your home design.

-Gathering Visual Ideas

Take photographs of various architectural styles, both inside and out, that you feel would meet your home design plans. Clip photos in magazines which would represent a style or space you would like to include in your design.


Create a folder including clippings of magazine articles/pictures that portray the look you want in your home design. Add your notes and photographs to your folder. Using these tools to gather information and organize it will help you to express your inspiration and creativity to us in order to make sure your new home design will meet your expectations.

PHASE 2 – Designing:

During this phase you will meet with the architectural designer to discuss the initial process for design development. Our objective will be to help you decide on several factors that play large roles in the composition. These would include:

Size – Area of square footage & number of rooms
Budget – Funds available to see your dream design through to complete construction
Style – Types of finishes & accommodative features
Layout – Including placement of home on property for best view, privacy and sunscreening
Codes – Including materials and their sizes

We will look at several layouts based on the decisions above and conclude with your approval of floor plan and elevation. This process may require more than one appointment. At the final meeting of approved design, we will move on to the actual working drawings for your plan.

PHASE 3 – Working Drawings:

Over the years, many houses have been built from a sketch on the back of a napkin. In the present day, there is too much at stake for you, as well as your builder, to endeavor to build without a working set of drawings. The working drawings serve as the contract between you and the builder or subcontractors to specify as much or as little as you want them to do. These plans communicate what is involved in this project in order that you may obtain the necessary approval of municipal agencies, acquire capital as needed, and make sure that a proper estimate from your builder includes everything it should. At the end of this process, you will be sure that you can proceed confidently, with a complete set of set of drawings, to produce the home you desired.